Because THATCamp is an unconference, the agenda will be decided during the first session of the first day. Read more about how unconferences in general and THATCamp in particular work at THATCamp 101 and our “About” page.
All non-session activities will take place in Studio A.
8:30 – 9 check in, breakfast, and informal session brainstorming
9-9:45 – welcome, discussion of potential sessions, and voting
9:45-10:15 – round-robin introductions
10:15-10:30 – schedule announced
10:30-12 – first session
Hunt Near: Intro to Mapping with Software – Basics
Hunt Far: Recogito Tool:
Studio B: Promises and pitfalls of mapping government, state created data
12-1:30 – lunch break, catered
1:30-3 – second session
Hunt Near: Story Maps / Online GIS and Story telling – beyond space, cultural questions
Hunt Far: Data visualization in QGIS/Making good maps
Studio B: Datasets and Data Management
3-3:15 – break
3:15-4:45 – third session
Hunt Near: Combining GIS with network analysis
Hunt Far: hacking a project eg: Bridges, Taxi cabs, Medieval England
Studio B: GIS for the Humanities and How does GIS contribute to spatial analysis
4:45-5 – wrap up and next steps
suggested restaurants for continuing conversations over dinner: Union Grill, The Porch, Independent Brewing